Tuesday, December 2, 2014

ARCH655 Project 2_Jixing Liu


This project is a continuous work on my project 1 named TWIRL which is designed by Zaha Hadid. Based on the former work about building vertical surfaces, I draw ground pattern at this time.
 Picture 1 – Perspective

Picture 2 – Ground Pavement Pattern


1. Locate the Center Points of Squares

First, draw the boundary of the site and rotate it to form the boundary of all small squares.
Screenshot – 1

Second, divide the square into several rows and columns, and get all intersection points of grids.

Screenshot –  2

Third, create planar surfaces as borders to trim the grids. Then, get valuable points which can be central points of all small squares. Furthermore, remove all nulls from the data list.

Screenshot –  3

2. Draw Squares in Different Sizes

After getting the central points, I try to draw all small squares by using Python. At the beginning, I edit codes in Rhino Python. During the process, I founded some limitation. Then, I turn to use Grasshopper Python and improve the codes.

2.1 Rhino Python

After baking all central points, I try to import the coordinates of these points firstly, by using GetObject and PointCoorinates.

Screenshot – 4

Because, sizes of squares changed according to the distance between the central points of squares and vertical surfaces. And, the values of points, located in the data list, are following the sequence of grids. So, I choose Condition to draw these squares. 
When a value of distance meet one condition, a square can be drawn by using AddPolyine. Each polyline is consisted of five points which means one corner point used repeatedly.
At last, rotate all small squares by using RotateObjects.

Screenshot – 5

2.2 Grasshopper Python

In Rhino Python, codes need to be revised if I wanna change the value of parameters. While, in Grasshopper Python, sliders can be added to make an easy control. By using Range, scale of each square can be adjusted. Furthermore, the rotated angle can be controlled easily.

Screenshot –  6

In addition, make an improvement on the codes. First, define the expression which used repeatedly in Condition to make a simplification. Next, added each resulted polyline to the list. Finally, all polylines are exported.

 Screenshot –  7

3. Add & Revise Details

  Screenshot –  8


Picture 3 – Perspective 1

Picture 4 – Perspective 2

Picture 5 – Perspective 3


Monday, November 3, 2014

ARCH655 Project 1_Jixing Liu

TWIRL, designed by Zaha Hadid, is located in an 18th century courtyard in Italy. The installation emphasizes making use of arches and curves to distort the sense of space.

Picture 1 – Perspective

Picture 2 – Effects of Fluorescent Light

Picture 3 – Floor Plan


In this project, I used Rhino & Grasshopper to recreate the model of TWIRL based on the information I got about the original design.


1. Curves on the Horizontal Surfaces

Because curves on the horizontal surface are relatively irregular, I divided them into several groups based on the curvatures. For the arches in each group at the right bottom, I created three curves linking the starting, mid, and ending points of originally designed curves in Rhino. And, by using DIVIDE and INTERPOLATE, I created designed curves through several sets of division points. While, for the bi-arches at the left top, I used similar method but drawing more curves to make a better control. Moreover, due to NUMBER SLIDER I added, numbers of curves in each groups are controlled.

Screenshot – 1

2. A Controlled Curved Surface

First, I drew a circle according to the radial point of construction in Rhino. Then, based on that, seven circles with different radius and height are created by using MOVE and SCALE. Through this group of circles, a curved surface was created. Furthermore, by changing the values of NUMBER SLIDER, the shape and height of this surface can be controlled.

Screenshot – 2

3. Size-adjustable Plates in Construction

Because in reality, lots of planar ceramic sheets, rather than several whole curved sheets, are used for construction. I want to create these quadrangular plates by locating and linking points in both the horizontal and curved surfaces.

3.1 Vertical Lines

First, by using RANGE & EXPRESSION, I created 21 circles with same intervals at the horizontal surface. These circles crossed with the curves formed in step 1. Then, lots of intersection points are created. By linking these points and points projected on the curved surface, vertical lines are formed. While, changing the radius of these circles means regulating the size of each ceramic sheets.

Screenshot – 3

Screenshot – 4

Screenshot – 5

3.2 Upper Poly-lines

Most curves on the horizontal surface may not across with outer circles due to their lengths, so some parts of the data list show blanks. By changing these parts into ‘null’ and regrouping data, main parts of upper poly-lines are created. After that, by inserting values of starting and ending points into the list, the whole upper poly-lines of vertical surfaces are created.

Screenshot – 6

Screenshot – 7

4. Making Surfaces

By projecting upper poly-lines on the horizontal surface, bottom poly-lines of designed surfaces are created. After lines linking with starting and ending points of both poly-lines are formed, four edge curves are finished. By using EDGE SURFACE, all vertical surfaces are created.

Screenshot – 8

5. Physically-based Model

Because of the limitation from my computer’s hardware, I just choose parts of the model to show physical changes.By using KANGAROO, WEAVEBIRD, and UNARYFORCE,a horizontal force added to a set of designed surfaces.

Screenshot – 9

Screenshot – 10

6. Analyses

6.1 Curvature Analysis

By baking the surfaces, curvatures can be analyzed in Rhino.

Screenshot – 11

6.2 Area Analysis

Summing up the areas of vertical sheets which help to calculate the cost.

Screenshot – 12


Picture 4 – Perspective 1

Picture 5 – Perspective 2

Picture 6 – Elevation